Thursday, April 30, 2009

How quickly I fall

I showed one of my best friends some of the writing I did the other day. I was so excited and I thought that she'd have some suggestions but that she would generally like it. She didn't.

She didn't tell me that she didn't like it but I know her and can read her. First, she took over 24 hours to respond when normally it takes her 10 minutes. And then she made a few constructive comments but very carefully
omitted any positive statements except that she was "happy I was writing again."

Fear of what others will think is one of my biggest problems with creative writing. If I know someone is going to read it I feel inhibited. That's why I'm hoping that this blog will help. I don't think anyone is going to read this but in a way I'm still putting myself out there. Yes, without my name and so far nothing creative but baby steps.

I am going to try to push myself to work on the story today even though it was not well received.

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