Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm lost in my life and trapped by my life. Will this blog help?

I am sinking into a deeper and deeper depression and can't seem to find my way out. I want to do so many things but after an initial burst of enthusiasm I abandon everything. This past week has been the worst ever and I feel as though my deterioration is crossing some sort of line. I don't want to get to worse but I feel so powerless.

I love to write but rarely finish anything I start so maybe the shorter format of a blog will be a way for me to find some success.
However small. I am hugely protective of my privacy so in order for me to include anything of importance everything will have to be anonymous. I don't plan to promote this or tell my friends/family about it so there is a good chance no one will read it. But I will still put it out there. And maybe the process of working on this blog will help bring me back to life.

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