Monday, April 20, 2009

Twilight makes it better???

Since my post about daydreaming I've been feeling more positive, optimistic, even excited. I've even been semi-productive and social over the last couple of days. Unfortunately, I think the way I got into this groove is a little disturbing for a woman of my age.

Basically, I feel better because of the book series and movie Twilight. I'm a grown woman excited about something made for

It all started earlier this week when I stumbled across something about the movie. I had heard vaguely about it before but hadn't paid any attention. Since I generally love vampires - and the male lead in the movie looked damn good - I decided
to look online to see if I could watch it for free. I was only able to see the first half for free and the picture was grainy but I was hooked and needed to finish asap. I immediately ordered the movie, soundtrack and book series online. In just 24 hours I was watching the a beautiful, clear picture on my big screen TV.

And it was just as satisfying as I had hoped. The books arrived the next day and within 24 hours I had read the first two. They were fabulous.

Initially I felt happy and on the verge of tears. I listened endless to three songs from the Twilight soundtrack and took care of some stuff in the house that I've been putting off. Practically the only time I sat on the couch was to read.

Now I don't feel on the verge of tears anymore but I feel lighter, younger. Watching the "making of" portion of the DVD got me excited again about my own film ideas and reminded me of how much I want to go to film school. So although I think that a woman my age who is that interested in Twilight is a little disturbing I am glad it has helped me feel better even if it's only temporary.

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