Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why am I wasting this time???

Today is my two month anniversary of being unemployed. 60 days of relative freedom to do what I want and I have done nothing. This is the perfect time for me to work on my writing in an intensive way!

I've been telling myself for the last few years that with my busy full-time job, single parenthood and home responsibilities, the reasons I wasn't doing much writing had to do with things beyond my control. But now I'm still not writing. I think that I'm afraid of failure. I have everyone fooled right now into thinking that I have all this potential and if I don't do a good job I will lose that edge and become the person who just isn't skilled/talented/smart.

But I will probably never get the chance again to be unemployed with a valid reason. I'm receiving (tiny) unemployment income from the state and I need to use this opportunity to finish projects that have been floating in my head. I don't have to show them to anyone. WHY AM I SO AFRAID????

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