Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More time is making it harder...

The last year at my job has been unbearable. My work environment was horrible and the managers awful but really I was unhappy because I felt incompetent. I was recruited there because they thought that I was a great ____ (profession is a secret) but really I was unprepared for the job.

My performance at the company was horrendous but it was my personal behavior that was most problematic. Chronic lateness and a large number of absences. Everyday that I had to go to work felt like torment. So when layoffs in my department were announced I thought it was great! It allowed me to leave in a way that hid my poor performance. And since it happened in early 2009 I was part of the "economic downturn" and my unemployment became a sign of the times rather than a reflection of me personally.

I thought that being "free" everyday would be great. I would finish projects I had been putting off, work on a little weight loss, devote a little more time to my family, and generally just have a great time finding a new job that I could actually do well. But instead I slowly sank into hell.

At first I had a number of family responsibilities that required some structured schedule. I wasn't too productive during that time but I was still enjoying my "vacation" and felt positive that I would, in fact, accomplish items on my to do list. A month ago I became what can only be described as "semi-agoraphobic". I could only go out of my house if I was in a car. I live in NYC so cars aren't necessary. But public transportation was out for me. Walking was only ok if I had someone to walk with. It was an expensive time what with the car rentals, parking fees, cabs, tolls, etc. But I swallowed the costs since it was the only way I could leave the house.

Then I was alone in my home. My son went out of town last week and that's when I really started to sink into hell. He's have been gone 7 days so far - and won't be back for another 5 - and I have not showered or left the house since he went away. The afternoon I took him to the airport I bought food on the way home because I knew it was going to be hard for me to leave the house.

My sleep patterns have become totally crazy - I sleep almost all day and am up almost all night - and I have done exactly TWO productive things this entire time. Without any structure from work or family I have fallen into a bottomless pit. I always felt like freedom and flexibility would make me happy but in reality having more time to myself is making it harder for me to feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,randomly found your blog.Read your post 2 times. some times we start running from this situation thins go need to come out from it.all that you need is in this" famous don't quit poem" must see it at thas website
